John McKenna - 69yr old male attending with chest pain. He has a past medical history of type two diabetes, hypertension, and gastro-oesophageal reflux – for which he takes metformin 500mg TDS, amlodipine 5mg OD, omeprazole 20mg OD and Gavisgon liquid PRN after meals.
On further questioning:
HR 95, BP 142/91, RR 22, SpO2 91% OA, Temp 36.5C, Alert
John is talking. His airway is patent and self-maintaining.
None required.
None required.
RR: 24 SpO2: 90%
Chest expansion – normal and equal
Percussion - normal resonance
Auscultation - good air entry bilaterally with no added sounds
Students may ask for:
Recognise hypoxia
At this stage it may be appropriate to move the patient to ED Resus
PaO2 is mildly reduced.
Lactate is elevated, as anaerobic glycolysis is taking place due to ischaemia.
Normal chest x-ray.
HR 102 BP 140/90 T 36.5 C
John is pale and feels clammy
Pulse is fast and regular
No peripheral oedema
HS I + II + 0
If asked about urine output – last emptied bladder at home around 2 hours ago
Insert at least one wide-bore cannula – 14G (Orange) or 16G (Grey)
Bloods – ask to justify:
12-lead ECG
Patient is not hypotensive so no fluids required for now.
Think ?STEMI:
Starting long-term prevention with beta-blockers, ACEi, statins etc is not indicated in A&E.
ECG criteria for STEMI
Persistent ST segment elevation in at least two contiguous leads of ≥1mm in all leads other than V2-V3.
In V2-V3 there must be ST segment elevation of:
Troponin T is highly elevated - this is a sensitive biomarker of cardiac damage
CRP is elevated, this is an inflammatory marker and it is normal to be raised in STEMI
Alert, GCS 15/15
CBG – 5.2 mmol/L
None required.
Patient is pale and clammy
No skin findings
Abdomen SNT
Calves SNT
No peripheral oedema
None required.
None required.
Can you confirm a diagnosis?
What will you do now?